Thursday, July 9, 2009

Be Kind.

I am generally intrigued by those of you who know how to do things I don't. I think, often, I am skilled at a couple of things: remembering events, being on time and talking on the telephone. There are many sub-categories within these skills that include: maintaining friendships because I am punctual and scrap-booking because my memory is sharp.  Everything roots back to, for the most part, I'm a consistent friend but have no idea how to fill out a tax form, change a tire, or tie a tie. Perhaps this means I will be a sub-par wife. Women who know how to wash a window without streaking it are the kind of women who get scooped up first, not the ones who know how to harmonize with others at choir practice. 

Completely unrelated, or maybe related, people are leaving me for others cities and states and countries. I have a confession: When life-chapters end and people go away from me for extended periods of time, I begin to grieve. It is a death-like reaction and it settles heavy, heavy in my organs and joints. This is not because I am a sad person or a pessimist. It's because, I believe that internally, we are only able to feel 9 or 10 different ways. And, personally, death and loss feel the same inside of me. It situates like nervousness or drowsiness. That's how it feels. So, I miss you all and hope you are satisfied in your zip codes. I can't wait to resurrect you. 

Please! Go! Read! My! Column! and send me fan/hate mail. Just send it here now: 

Here is the link, go to page 18.  

It came out today. Today is the beginning of my budding and prolific career. It is the beginning of my life of poverty. This excites me. 


  1. i read the article. classic lindsey. congratulations, honestly.

  2. I'm not jealous at all that both Cory and Chase were in your column, but I wasn't. Congratulations, though, honestly.

  3. lia. i wish i could twist the skin on your arm so hard that you would be red for an hour afterward.

  4. p.s. bobby, thank you so much.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
