Wednesday, June 24, 2009

since i've been gone/since you stopped tweeting.

things that have happened or failed to happen as a post-graduate of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington:

1. I got a blog, per Lia's request and to prove to myself that I can maintain something that doesn't need air, food, or shelter. 
2. I became a recluse 5 out of the 7 days of the week. Note to self: this should give me more blog-updating opportunities.
3. I didn't "find myself" or uplift anyone else.
4. I got offered my own column at ArtSync Magazine and accepted. In other words, I committed to something that wasn't a marriage proposal. 
5. I debated moving to Texas and Brooklyn and DC and back home to Lumberton. I didn't, but I started leaving the house without drying my hair more often.
6. I began working at a call center. The most fulfilling aspects of working at a call center are developing an alias and the heightened tone of your telephone voice. 
7. I became kind of poor. Sometimes, I just eat what I like to call "dinner sides". These include: mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and black beans.  This is not by choice.
8. I cut my hair.
9. I moved into a beautiful house and have a roommate who gardens. We have very adult decorations and a plethora of toilet paper and pets. 
10. I started to miss people and my old life and my old funds and old jokes that no one reiterates anymore. 
11. Here is a picture of me, hanging with one of my old college buddies. Don't I look tired?

Thank you, Lia, for convincing me to get a blog, though you (and perhaps my parents if I tell them that it's G-rated and necessary to my growth) will be the only one to read it. I'm satisfied with that. At the end of the week, my column should be coming out. It's called "Shedding Heavy Light". I decided on the ominous title, so you'd feel more drive to read it. Oh, another thing to consider:  I get fanmail now! Or I will soon. More news to come. 


  1. I am so charmed when people can pull off a successful "note-to-self" as you have done, here, see: #2. I am really proud of that, and you and this lovely lime-green blog. This is so fun. We are such low-lifes and I wouldn't rather follow anyone else. (Except johhny, or maybe since he is my new hero.) Loves it, bish!

  2. wait i want to get a blog now that it's cool. Actually I have one but it's blank. And I have another one but it's full of comments about books I read in English class. Because it was for English class.

    But I shall read yours.
